
 Disease introduction: Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury is often encountered in clinical work and is unavoidable, such as the restoration of blood supply in organ transplantation, shock, and DIC microcirculation recanalization.

  Experimental animals: BALB/c mice (6-8 weeks)

  Experimental method: 1. After the model mouse is anesthetized, the abdomen is fixed in a supine position and a midline incision is made. The arteries and veins of the left kidney were freed and clipped, and the clip was released after 40-60 minutes. When the left kidney changes from dark red to bright red, it indicates that the renal blood reperfusion is successful. Then the right renal vein and artery were separated and ligated, and the right kidney was removed. 2. Pathological HE staining judgment model.