index > Molecular experiments
Microsphere preparation can be used as a drug slow release carrier for cells, animal administration, reduce toxicity, improve the targeting effect.
The test used to determine the effect of in vitro inhibition of bacterial growth of antimicrobial drugs is called a bacteriobacteria suppression test. Through the anti-bacterial experiment, the minimum antibacterial concentration of a drug can be det
The cultivation of strains can mainly be applied to local pus infection, pneumonia, pseudo-membrane enteritis, pericarditis, and so on, and even sepsis, sepsis and other whole-body infection animal mold.
DNA extraction is mainly CTAB methods, other methods are physical methods such as glass bead ingades, ultrasonic, abrasive, freeze and thaw. Chemical methods such as isothiocyanate acid method, alkali lysis method. Biological method: Enzyme method. A
Bone repair stent preparation is mainly used in animal mold making, simulated bone damage, bone defect treatment, through 3D printing composite biodegradable stents.
Exosomes are mainly used in cellular or animal drug stimulation, disease treatment, etc. The function of exosome depends on the type of cell from which it is sourced, and can be involved in the body\'s immune response, antigen presentation, cell migr
Carrier construction is one of the common methods used in molecular biology research. It mainly includes the transformation of the existing carrier multi-clone site MCS and the transformation of the existing carrier starter, enhancer, filter marking